Prophecy for the year 2014


  1. People will talk about signs and changes that are seen in the sky and on the earth
  2. Incidents that shock the world will take place.
  3. There will be a downfall in the industrial output.
  4. American economy will go down
  5. Inflation will increase in Europe
  6. There will be unity among European countries.
  7. Shocking news will be heard about Singapore and Malaysia.
  8. There will be revival in China.
  9. A Volcano will erupt in Japan causing great damage.
  10. Road and train accidents will happen in many places – dark times.
  11. There will be a great revival in Korea
  12. There will be great change in Sri Lanka economy and inflation will increase.  There will be revival among the youth.
  13. There will be a great revival among the people of Indonesia and Brunei



  1. There will be a great famine in India.
  2. Fear will be spread in the nation by the terrorists
  3. Bomb blasts during election rallies will be telecast just like Rajiv Gandhi’s incident.
  4. There will be unrest along the borders.
  5. Sea water will enter many parts of Andaman and Nicobar Island.
  6. A Prime Minister will be chosen amidst confusion after the Parliament elections.
  7. A Central Govt. minister will be charged and arrested.
  8. There will be improvement in the area of sports.
  9. A Famous actor will pass away.
  10. There will be confusion in Karnataka Politics.
  11. Widespread death of children between the ages of 3-12 years, Please pray for their safety.
  12. A judge will be charge sheeted and put to shame.
  13.  Concessions will be announced in the Railways, Postal and Revenue departments.
  14. You will hear about banks being closed due to agitation.
  15. After the election the new budget will be very severe and prices will increase drastically.
  16. There will be a change in Kerala politics.
  17. Gas Cylinder prices will be doubled.
  18. A new generation car will be introduced – many will talk about it.
  19. A new strain of fever will spread and it will last for seven days causing the body to deteriorate.
  20. There will be bloodshed in some Northern States – Delhi, Mumbai, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra.
  21. A popular politician will be charge sheeted and prevented from taking part in the election.
  22. Andhra Pradesh will be severely damaged due to floods.
  23. A senior leader will pass away.



  1. There will be high price rise in Tamil Nadu.
  2. There will be a big change in politics.
  3. Due to conspiracy a government building will be destroyed by fire – all documents and files will be destroyed.
  4. A senior politician will pass away
  5. There will be a big revival- many new ministers of God will rise up.
  6. A senior man of God will pass away.
  7. At the beginning of the year, concessions will be announced for government employees especially teachers.
  8. Certain industries in Tiruppur and Coimbatore will be shut down.
  9. There will be severe power shut down.
  10. The water table will decrease very much leading to severe water shortage.
  11. In Chennai also there will be severe power shutdown
  12. The price of gas will increase double fold
  13. Tension will prevail along the sea coast.
  14. Water will enter in the city.
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